Parish Evangelization Course for Leaders: Part 1
Understand YOUR leadership capacity and style. Empower your leadership pipeline. Make evangelization a part of a bigger vision for parish renewal.
Using this Learning Platform
About the Parish Evangelization Course for Leaders Part 1: Visioning for Transformation
Your Unique Approach to Leadership
Core Values
A Preferred Future
Right People, Right Seats
Help make us better
Fisher or Shepherd?
Changing Lives
Growing Your People into Leaders
Multiplying Leaders
Help make us better
Your Approach
The Secret Ingredient
Your Ministry Charisms: A.P.E.S.T.
Baseline Survey: Your Course, Your Role
Elevate and Delegate
Help Make us Better
Basic Value: Offering Alpha for Free
Radical Hospitality - Food Options
Asking for Money
The Retreat
Funding the Position
Help make us better
The Leadership Pipeline
When to Stop
Everyone Gets the Boot
Handy Tip: Email the Pastor
Help make us better
“This course helps parish evangelization leaders to do the vital interior and exterior work to set you up for success in parish evangelization. It is an invaluable resource for those looking to grow in their leadership capacity.”
Jen - Diocesan Parish Support Team“My parish found this course an excellent way to equip leaders in our parish to spearhead evangelization and continue to raise up leaders. I highly recommend this course to those who wish to place evangelization and making disciples for Jesus Christ at the top of their priority list! ”
Fr Michael“As a coordinator for Alpha in our parish, this course offered me lots of practical tips. I also appreciated the constant reminders about why we evangelize and the power of introducing people to Jesus”
Sandy - Parish Evangelization Ministry Leader“If you're serious about getting down and dirty in the work of advancing the Kingdom of God, this course is for you. Ron and his team have been in the trenches. I will take the wisdom of their experience over theoretical knowledge every day of the week.”
Christopher - Parish Evangelization Coordinator“I appreciated the nitty gritty learning which I found to be very, very practical and immediately useful. Some days I immediately implemented something I learned in the afternoon that very night at our Alpha”
Carmel - Parish Director of Evangelization - currently running their 18th Alpha